We provide official translation of transcripts, diplomas, grade sheets, and other academic records. We specialize in English translation of academic records for use in the United States, but we also provide academic translations for use in other countries. Our certified translations are consistently accepted by colleges, universities, and medical boards nationwide.
How our certified translation process works:
You email us your academic records.​
Make sure the copy is clear; if we can't read it, we can't translate it.
​Tell us what college/university/medical board you are applying to and what their requirements are.
We send you a translation quote, and you pay the agreed-upon price.
We translate your documents with the strictest possible adherence to the original formatting. Your translation will undergo thorough editing and proofreading.
We deliver your translation electronically in PDF format (and/or in hard copy if requested)​
Do we convert grades?
The short answer is: no. We produce a faithful translation of the document, which means that we render the grades as is. Your educational institution may separately decide to submit your records to an evaluator for purposes of converting grades, but that falls outside the scope of translation.
What is a certified translation?
Rules for certified translations – sometimes referred to as an "official translation" – vary greatly from one country to another.
The United States has no universal rules for certified translations; each institution and entity sets its own requirements. Typically, the translator will sign a certificate of accuracy certifying the correctness of the translation and the translator's ability to translate competently. If required, the certification may include a notary public’s affirmation of the authenticity of the translator’s signature. Some entities require the translation to be performed by a certified translator.
Order an official translation of your school transcripts today. Click here to get started.